day two. the meaning behind your blog name.
day three. your parents
day four. a song to match your current mood.
day five. a description of your best friend(s).
day six. songs you listen to when your happy, sad, hyped, and mad.
day seven. a hobby you have.
day eight. something your afraid of.
day nine. something you crave frequently.
day ten. your dream date.
day eleven. something your looking forward to.
day twelve. something you miss.
day thirteen. nicknames and meanings.
day fourteen. whats in your purse.
day fifteen. a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
day sixteen. something you've learned.
day seventeen. a letter to someone who has helped you recently.
day eighteen. favorite movie(s) and nineteen. something that stresses you out
day twenty. a picture of yourself this day and five good things that have happened since you started the challenge.
I'm going to do this starting tomorrow! :)